Acupressure versus Acupuncture – What You Need To Know

Acupuncture and acupressure are two kinds of therapies that are based on the practices of traditional Chinese medicine. These are therapies that believe that diseases and symptoms in the body are brought about by an imbalance or the blockage of the flow of energy in the body. These therapeutic techniques are aimed at restoring the flow of energy to improve the overall health and well-being of an individual. These practices are completely safe, provided the practitioner is licensed and well trained. Prior to deciding on whether to try acupressure or acupuncture, it is important for you to have a comprehensive understanding about these techniques. In addition, it is equally important to check with your physician before commencing any new treatment regimen. In terms of effectiveness, these therapies are considered to bear the same effectiveness.


Basically, acupressure and acupuncture are classified under the traditional Chinese medicine which also includes the utilization of herbs, diet and mind-body techniques. Chinese medicine views the body from the perspective that it is an energetic entity which is usually balanced by two opposing forces called Yang and Yin. This ancient medicine also believes that the good health of the body depends on pathways referred to as meridians. Individuals who practice these techniques work toward restoring the flow of the Yin and Yang for improved physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health.

Acupuncture is a kind of therapy that has been practiced in China and Asia for many centuries. This therapy attempts to restore the flow of Yin through the insertion of tiny needles into the body at different points along the meridians. These needles are extremely thin and if inserted in the right manner, they do not cause any pain. The needles are left in the body for some time which is usually determined by the practitioner.

On the other hand, acupressure is not very different. In fact, many people view acupressure as acupuncture without needles. It applies the same principals for the restoration of the body’s health and well-being. The acupuncturist performing the acupressure usually stimulates specific locations by pressing them with the feet, elbows, fingers and hands. The pressure is usually very gentle and done at a fairly comfortable level. Acupressure is a therapy that can be used on its own or in cases where the patient is experiencing much discomfort with needles.

Both acupressure and acupuncture are highly hailed for their importance in restoring the body’s overall health and energy. However, questions have been raised about the effectiveness of both practices. Research has been carried out so as to establish which of the two is more effective. A report from the World Health Organization claimed that acupuncture has proven to be more effective than acupressure. This is because in acupressure, no needles are inserted at the meridian points.

How Does Acupressure Work?

In acupressure, some of the local symptoms witnessed are usually perceived as an expression of the entire body’s condition. An individual with a tension headache could probably be suffering from neck or shoulder stress. In such a case, acupuncture does not focus on relieving the discomfort and pain but getting rid of the source of the pain.

Similar to acupuncture, acupressure is a practice that involves the stimulation of certain parts of the body. The stimulation of these points can result in the release of endorphins, which are chemicals released by the body to relieve pain. Once these chemicals are released, pain is blocked and the flow of oxygen and blood into the affected regions is increased. This causes a relaxing effect on the muscles and, as a result, a healing effect on the body.

Laser Hair Removal – Say Goodbye To Unwanted Hair

How many times do you get rid of your unwanted hair in a month? How much does it cost you in a year to have waxing done? How do you feel right afterwards? For sure, you feel great for you have smooth skin. However, a tingling feeling of the procedure is going to be there for first timers. For those who have this procedure done a lot of times, they are already Laser Hair Removal Armpitimmune to the pain.

There is one procedure that you might want to consider giving it a try and see how it goes for you. It is laser hair removal. This has been the go to procedure for those who want to have a permanent solution to a hairy problem.

Here are three reasons as to why this procedure has been receiving good raves from women:

It Is Fast

One thing about this procedure is that you will be assured it will be done fast. You do not need to wait for hours for this to be over. At a maximum, it will take an hour to do one session for removing unwanted hair. This is perfect for those who want to have a smooth skin the soonest. It is definitely a must have procedure who does not have the luxury of time to go through waxing every two weeks or so.

No Pain

What do you feel when you go through waxing in order to get rid of your unwanted hair? It is painful right. Although, at times it can be bearable, but for first timers, it would be quite painful. The thing with this procedure you do not need to go through the same process as waxing or plucking anymore. No more feeling the pain into your skin running through your brain. No more shouting in pain. All you have to do is to lay down, and have the procedure. Before you know it, your unwanted hair are all gone.

Permanent Solution To Get Rid Of Unwanted Hair

Male Laser Hair Removal

Do you know that after a few sessions of laser hair removal you will be able to enjoy smooth skin long-term? Yes, that is so right! You will have to say goodbye to your unwanted hair and say hello to your supple and beautiful skin. It serves as a permanent solution to those who have always been wanting to get rid of the hair on the bikini line, armpits, on the upper lip, and legs. If you want to be spot on and do not want to go through waxing or plucking anymore. Then, this is the way to go! You will surely see the result right there and then. Of course, you do need to follow through doctor’s advice. There are certain things you need to follow through in order to make sure you will be able to achieve permanent result.

Always do remember to let an expert do this procedure. This is very delicate and if done wrong might cause some issues with your skin. It is a must that you do let an expert with years of experience to do this. It will serve as an assurance for you that at the end of the session you will get the result you have paid for. You do not want to end up regretting, you have done by someone who does not have a clue what he is doing.

Be prepared to pay for its price. This is not a cheap procedure. It will definitely cost you money. However, the end result is all worth it. You will have the skin you have always dream of having – a smooth skin.

Watch The Procedure: